Get off your McLovin butt....

When I checked in late last night, I saw only 30% of the expected names registered for tonight's game.

I KNOW we can do better than that!
It's for charity kids!

Go ahead, be a dead stack if you want but come on!
Let's get Oh Captain 100 players!

You can even be lazy and search for BamBamCan under the requests/find player tab on FullTilt to register, 'cause I'm already McIn.

Oh and if you actually play and all goes according to plan, (fingers crossed in all directions around here!) there may just be a surprise guest on the Buddy Dank Radio broadcast during the game.

Whomever could it be?

Still need a good reason to play or at least buy in?
Perhaps if you check THIS STORY by Mrs. Lightning (bloggers always marry up!) out, you'll see what RMH did for one of our own and feel WAY better about the measly $10. Hell at only $10, it's a discounted mookiedank(?) anyhow right!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....