Frantic Friday : The Confusius Say Edition....(NSFW)

Welcome back to another Frantic Friday kids!

I'm bringing back one of everyone's favourites this week, because of extremely popular demand. I'm sure, (since everytime any of you stop by the cave, you ask if she'll be stopping by too!) you all remember my buddy Em. Well, she's a big part of this Frantic Friday but for those of you new to all the fun, here's a refresher from BY FAR, the most popular Frantic Friday to date.

My Em took this summer off to do something pretty special. She headed a little further up north, to help out the most amazing camp. It's crammed full of hundreds and hundreds of kids, all with some very special needs. You just gotta' love this girl!

Last weekend Em invited me up to check out all of the action for myself. It was truly heartwarming to see all of the smiling faces on kids that pretty much otherwise, wouldn't have the chance to even go to a summer camp at all. This place and the people that help out with running it, really and truly were incredible.

Saturday night after all of the little ones (but me!) were asleep, all of the councilors sat around the fire and played a game that they'd been teaching the kids all summer. It's called, 'This Confucius say.'

The game apparently originated from this awesome old guy, that was helping to teach the kids a little karate. He was hilarious! Here are a couple proverbs that he threw out, just to get the game started.

#1 ~

Don't you just love it!

#2 ~

So true!

We played for hours and hours and I for one could tell, this kind of fun was really breaking the tension for all the helpers. They work hard to keep the kids happy and this was so much fun, it made me really happy to be a part of it. Of course as is almost always the case, Em and I were the last ones sitting around the fire and if you know anything at all about my Em, we were about to take this game to the Frantic Friday level!

Em started it out. "This Confusius say; buying a

is a huge waste of money. Unless of course it comes

That from the little girl I used to play Doctor with! Well actually for us it was not so much Doctor, as it was Sesame Street. I used to love playing that game with Em! You know the one, right?

From how Em started this whole shift in proverbs out, I could tell we were in for a very, very long night. I told her we should throw a little background music on, just to help drown out our voices a bit.

Em agreed. She started rushing around to get something in the player, but


Once we were all set up with a few tunes, a few drinks and I'd refreshed the fire just enough to provide the proper atmosphere for the rest of the night, Em told me that it was my turn.

Now I wouldn't consider myself very good at these kind of things, but Em said that my first one was really good.

This Confusius say; Sex to a man is a lot like surfing,

Em responded with This Confusius say; to man woman are just like convertible,

Although I had to agree with that one just a bit, I did have to remind her that I was NOT all men!

"The thought never crossed my mind Bammer." she said, and I knew it to be true. No one actually gets me, like my Em and my Peb's. I always believe that I'm the luckiest kid walking this green earth, everytime I think of either one of them!

That's enough mush though, back to the game!

Em asked me to come up with a man/woman one, so I gave it a little thought. It wasn't actually that hard to be honest, since like everyone else out there, I have an opinion on the matter.

This Confusius say; Truly intelligent man wants a woman to be like a beach cruiser,

I don't know, it's just how I think!

Em was very quick to respond though, with This Confusius say; Man should always learn sex from female musician,

It was pretty hard for even me, to argue with her over that one.

It was my turn and I felt like I had to come up with something good.

This Confusius say;

I don't know about you, but I think I nailed it!

Since I was on a bit of a roll, I took the opportunity to throw out another.

This Confusius say; The crazy thing about all those Em

I've seen is, Em actually believes I noticed her $50

I have to tell you dear reader, I truly love the look Em gets on her face when I say shit like that to her!

Em and I played and played all night long. We were having another one of our moments and you know what This Confusius say;

Oh and as a true public service announcement to all of you out there reading, Em would like to remind you all that you should always make

the most important meal of your day!

On that note, This Confusius always say;

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

The natch jam/call outcome....

After an hour of sharing a 90 player SnG table with the same five players, I'd thought I'd seen some really solid and some truly ridonkulous plays. Some would say, par for the $3 'online' course right?


After seeing this all-in jam preflop AND call however;

I thought I'd best get a little more information about these five players.

Any guesses as to which two played that hand?

My sincerest thank for dropping by....

Well it's official....

I guess your little Bam-Bam is now officially un-retired and starting next Tuesday,

I'll be....

'Cause this kid starts

once again.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

Frantic Friday: The Random Thoughts Edition....(NSFW)

Things seem to have gotten all philosophical around here of late. Not that this is a bad thing at all, but the random thoughts generated by looking deep into ones own Psyche can be an obnoxious blend of the profound and idiotic. But hey after all, that pretty much sums this kid up right!

So this Frantic Friday I've decided to share with you my dear reader, a few of the random thoughts running through this kids squash.

I'll warn you in advance however, I did say "random." Like your dear Bammer in a brand new liquor store, this is going to be a little all over the place today kids.

Hang on, here we go!

Random thought #1:

Random thought #2:

It seems to me that for as long as there has been time, my favourite colour has always been

But I've recently found that I'd

Random thought #3:

If life really is all about the balance, I think I'm going to be OK after all! Lord knows my hatred of

just has to be balanced out by my love for really hot

Random thought #4:

and life is a lot like a piano.

Random thought #5:

The important thing about promises is,

I have no idea where random thought #6 came from, but here it is just the same.

Random thought #7:

I read somewhere that recent studies

Random thought #8:

but remember kids,

And finally, random thought #9:

These Frantic Fridays have become an awful lot like

Well I guess that's it kids! Now you're all up to date on what's been going through my head lately. Pretty sad stuff huh?

I'm not sure what it's going to take to get me out of this funk. Hopefully however it won't take too long. Brudder CC's coming over shortly and taking me down to the beach. He said that he thinks getting me back together will be as simple as continuing my ultimate quest to find

Who knows, maybe he's right?

Can't hurt can it?


My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

Creating proper distraction....

It's been very, VERY dark around these parts of late. Not at all like the kid you've come to know and love!

What I really needed was to have a few good friends create a proper distraction, something to take my mind away from it all if you will.

Have I ever mentioned that this kid runs pretty good when it comes to the friends department? No! Well trust me, I DO!

The plan was pretty simple actually. A couple of friends would drop in after a ride.

As you can see friend #1 is here and oh look,

pal #2 showed up, to make it official. We now have a couple of friends at the cave. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

Being the neanderthal that I am, I suggested we play a little game we like to call, "kill and eat" around these parts.

I'll spare you city folk the "kill" portion of the game because well, you ARE city folk after all right? Hopefully you can manage to get through the clean part of it.

Mmmmmm........ clean Pig!

Oh and remember those wild Turkey's that run around the cave here? One of them made it onto the 'barbie" as well!

That sure was going to be a delicious dinner! But hey! We still have a little time to kill here. What oh what else could we possibly do, to create a little distraction for our Bammer?

We have a few extra piggies running around, why not see if we can get them to help out a bit? HEY! What are they building over there?

Good little piggies!

A rather funny thing also happened along the way. The "couple" of friends seems to have turned into dozens. Um.... make that, dozens AND dozens! Did you know that I run like a god in the friends department? Well trust me, I do!

So now that the piggies have a place to play, what should we do about it? How about this? We'll identify each little piggy,

then we'll throw some paper in a hat with each ID code for every piggy.

Then we'll get the kids to draw a piece of paper out of the hat,

and if they can catch that little piggy,

NO, NO Chris! Not THAT little piggy! The other one!

Atta' boy!

We'll give them a special prize!

But what about the big kids? We <3 piggies too you know!

COOL! It's the big kids turn now.

Hey wait a minute, HE's not a piggy!

Oh I see.

There was a little confusion in the identifying process!

Oh well, minor mistakes like that will happen I guess.

And that dear reader is how we here in Bedrock, create a proper distraction when we need to get our minds off of a very sad little situation.

Did I mention the thing about running pretty good in the friends department? Oh, I did huh.


My sincerest thanks for dropping by....


For those of you that have stopped by here for the last three or more years, or those of you that have known me longer than that, you know something about my brudder CC. I actually created the word "brudder" just for him. It was stronger and yet more fun than brother. It was unique and laughable, yet still got the point across.

"True friends, are family you get to choose."

*Sept. 17, 2004

Few "brudders" have come my way since CC. I have hundreds of "brothers" and "sisters" and as I've always been happy to say, I run pretty damn good in the friends department.

But there's something pretty special about those that fill the "brudder" moniker. A feeling that is shared between two, three or four, yet felt by everyone in any environment these "brudders" happen to be inhabiting.

"Brudders" exude an emotion slightly stronger than joy, just a tad below orgasm and yet to those around when they're lucky enough, both are totally achievable at the time.

"Brudders" had to come from somewhere and for me, it's who you are and how you were brought up. The "bringing up" part is a blend of friendships, schooling and most importantly, how you were raised by your parents. This is no "Dad-ism" or Bam-Bam says so BS. This is quite simply a fact of life, at least as I know it. We are what we are through experience, judgement, mistakes and lessons learned. The vast majority of each of those, a culmination of messages put between our ears by our parents. For good or for bad we are what we are because of our upbringing and parenting roots that were planted very early on. Then again and again, as the seeds for our lives were planted repeatedly throughout.

There were my cabbage rolls vs. her meat on a stick.
My adoration of my wife vs. her calling Peb's "quite simply, the most beautiful natural woman on the planet.
My love for her vs. her love for me.
My love for her son as a "brudder" vs. well, let's just say it paled in comparison.

For five years now we've all done what we could, to help Fred battle the insanity that is Cancer and all the while, she would've done anything she could to help make it an easier journey for us all.

It was just a one sentence email.

~Mom just lost her fight against Cancer.

But I cried for hours.

Yesterday morning my brudder CC, lost his Mom.

I know for a fact that the hole in my heart right now truly pales in comparison, to the hole in this world left behind, from a truly remarkable woman.

R.I.P. Kate.
You were and always shall be, truly loved.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

What's your Dad-ism?....

Mini-Peb's = "Dad do you actually believe that, or do you just say it?"

Bammer = "You're kidding.... right?"

The previous discussion was the result of my "remember hun, the glass is half full at all times" speech, at what I thought was a critical juncture in my baby girls life. Big decisions were being made and I for one, wanted her to see the bright side of having to make them.

"Such a Dad-ism!" she said, as she shook her head and started to walk away.

I had to look it up.

In my life, despite it being a pretty rough go with my Father for several long and arduous years, I have always retained one of the more common thoughts he ever tried to instill into my little pea brain.

"It doesn't matter if you are as strong as a bull, if you keep being as smart as a tractor."

I told mini-Peb's that one and of course, I got the totally expected reaction. Once she and Peb's stopped laughing, I realized that they were not laughing with me at all! They were laughing at me.

Peb's = "I can just picture your poor Dad trying to make you think first, instead of just leaping off the edge."

Mini-Peb's = "Yeah. Can't you just see Dad and Grandpa trying to figure out what the hell just happened, as Dad explains that it was 'for the win!'"

This brought about much hilarity at my expense but hey, as long as my girls are both happy right?


After a very lengthy discussion about my old "half-full-glass" approach to life, my baby looked at me and said, "Dad, you're not that far from Grandpa after all you know." and I have to admit, I think she's got a point.

As parents we can only hope to instill at least one meaningful little tidbit into our child's brain. Hopefully its something helpful, to carry with them through their life. Sometimes I guess, these are called Dad-ism's.

I asked Peb's if Fred had one off the top of her head and before she finished the first word, I already knew what it was.

"You can't pull your socks up, if you don't have them on."

There is a real value in the message of both of our Dad-ism's I think and hopefully, mini-Peb's gets what I'm trying to get across to her.

So how about you dear reader, do you have a Dad-ism you'd like to share?

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

A nothing post for Schaubs....

Schaubs says, "Bloggers are boring."

Not sure what's going on for everyone else out there but hopefully, a fun filled life is just getting in the way of blogable material. That's what it is for this kid! Besides looking for the perfect un-retirement opportunity nearly 24/7, I've had the chance to actually enjoy a little summer time and the weather. A real switch for me for sure.

Tonight I'm supposed to finish a match play team game for our Tuesday golf league. We started it last Tuesday and after the results, I really have no interest in playing. It's a team format where the entire group is split into two sides, based on handicap. Then you play as a two man team against another two man team, 3 holes alternate shot, 3 holes scramble and 3 more holes playing your own ball, for a best ball team score.

In my match we dominated, taking 7 wins and halving the other two holes. I was on fire! I finished birdie, birdie, birdie in the 'own' ball section. I've never putted so well. It's always been my downfall.

So I get all wound up about the big win, only to find out we were the only two that won on our team. We win seven HUGE points for the squad in one single match, just to find our team is down, that's DOWN, by 11 total.

I hate losing at golf! (did I ever mention that?) But nothing eats away at me more than being a winner, when I'm actually losing. (does that make sense?) I need to get pumped up for tonight, but the wind is out of my "team" sails.

I just made my mind up however, that I'm going to dig in and approach it as a singles match. Maybe my teammate could carry my clubs?


My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

My weekend....

Saturday I took in the sights....

and then I took some kids for a ride....

On Sunday I waited and waited, shit just didn't happen.

I ended up cooking a little pork that night.

I ended up still, second "top" dog!

Pretty good weekend here,

How was yours?

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

Lost Pimpage, or Existentialist conversation about Pauly....

In keeping with my reputation of never being within the first two or three hundred to do something, I figured it was just about time to share a little news with everyone out there.

It's finally here!

You can purchase your own copy HERE.

Do NOT try to "borrow" mine.
This is not how it works!

For those of you that drop by here regularly and are not aware, you can follow some of the best World Series of Poker coverage over at Pauly's place as well.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

So, I have this thing for boobs see....

Last month, Josie put up a silly little quiz about herself and asked for everyone to take a shot at the correct answers. She also said there'd be a prize waiting for the winner. ( total comment whoring if you ask me. :) )

Anywho.... I won.

Now in all fairness since there was a breast size question, I think I had a real edge on the competition. Since we all know, that I certainly know, that you all know, that I know, what everyone should probably already know by now.

I loves me some boobs!

True to her word, the Very 36C Josie has bought me into her game tonight.

I'm already registered so if you want to be really lazy, you can just player search for me and sign up yourself.

I hope to see you all there and remember,

knowing boobs does have it's privileges!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....

Is it just me....

Is it just me, or is anyone else also seeing far more hands like this boats vs. boat vs. boat of late?

OBV., I wasn't in this hand, but I play a whack of these $2 super-sats. Mostly for the top three paid $5.50 BR building benefits. But lately I've lost with flopped quads twice and several times at least, I've watched my made boat just wash upon the shore, to at least one if not two, bigger boats filling up on the turn or river.

Just wondering.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....