We are all insane. I dare you! Dispute it....

I'd made a comment on BadBlood's post yesterday, about sitting at the Poker table with your spouse. I compared it with one of my personal favorite expressions of all time and said, "Playing Poker with your spouse, (of the non-strip variety) could quite possibly be one of the silliest things we humans ever decided to do. It should fall somewhere right after the guy who said, "Look! A slimy muscly sluggey like thing in a shell! Man! I could so eat that right now."

Don't get me wrong, I love a good slug in some Garlic butter, but to be the very first one?"

Every time I use that expression, it seems to fuel debates on every aspect of the questions involved. Were the pioneers of food as we know it Brilliant, crazy or just hungry enough to try absolutely anything? I personally side with the theory that they were..... completely and utterly insane !!!

If the slimy slug turned French delicacy isn't enough for you, here's a few of my other favorites to back up my case for the looney bin.

So someone walked out into the Ocean and found this thing all stuck onto a rock. There were actually several of them. The things kind of looked like the rock itself, but they were just different enough to peak his/her interest. They plucked it off the rock with great effort and then found what looked like a little crack or something along one edge. "Maybe I can get that opened up and see what's inside. Maybe it's some kind of Sea nut or something." With a terrible amount of work, cut and raw bleeding hands from the edges of this thing, their discovery was a success.

"YUMMY !!! I just have to put that in my mouth!"

Shall I stick with the Sea to keep a theme going for a bit? Yeah, let's go that way for a while. These two also go along with the theme that, it couldn't possibly be any harder to assume that "food" is in the realm of possibility from their first discovery. Not to mention that it couldn't possibly have been any harder to get at that food the very first time as well.

As further evidence of insanity, I ask you to consider the wack jobs that first walked up to and then commenced figuring out how to get these two little goodies, into his/her belly.

On the subject of very popular and delicious Sea items, what the hell was going through the minds of the first ones that just had to fill their cakeholes with this little gem?

or how about this one?

Although I'll drop the Sea favorites because I think I've made a valid arguement with them already, I will present one more water based item for your consideration.

What do you think it took for the first person to discover, that only the Legs are acceptable eating material on this little must have munchy?

What was the mindset of the very first one to walk up and say, "whatever drops out of that things ass, is going to be our Breakfast. Hell, then we'll pull all of those feathers off of it and eat it too!"

Was there nothing at all wrong with the first freak to decide, "I could really go for a dish made up of the sheep’s heart, liver and lungs. I know! I'll stuff it all into its stomach and boil it up nice and tasty like!"

Here's a much more recent one for you. Pretty much everyone on the planet has had some form of Pepper in their lives. I don't know if it's crazy or not to have been the first one to take a bite out of this lovely little vegetable or not. Scary possibly, but compared to all of the other items listed so far, I'll have to give Joe Average Pepper biter a little slack. But there is a Pepper face stuffer that seriously supports my case out there somewhere.

Remember the first time you tried a real Jalapeno?

Sure was a little taste surprise, wasn't it? But it's not even my fellow Jalapeno lover's that have me concerned about our sanity. No, it's the guy that not only wanted to grow the Red Savina Pepper, but couldn't wait to shove it into his gob.

Why you ask? Remember that taste surprise from the Jalapeno? Well think about that and then, consider the following please.

Jalapeno Peppers = 10,000 Scoville Heat Units MAX.
The Red Savina was measured at 325,000 Scoville Heat Units.

That instantly makes me think of another mind boggler. Who the hell came up with this idea first?

It's a farm idea I guess. Could it have been the same guy as the Chicken droppings? Did he just sit there and watch for crap to come out of animals that he figured he could eat? You got me on this one.

I think I'm making an excellent case against the sanity of the human race so, here's my last one for today. You decide please dear reader, what did it take for someone to come up with the idea to eat this?

I rest my case!

Since there's always a very first one to try damn near anything, sanity can not be involved in any part of the Human equation. I have hundreds of other items of evidence against us, perhaps you do too if you really think it out. Since our creation, we Humans have been unequivicably and terminally..... INSANE !

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....