Frantic Friday : Happy go lucky....

I'm a crazy lucky kid !

When ever things get me all Jammed up™ I can always count on friends to snap me back into the glass is 1/2 full kinda' guy I know I need to be. So after yesterday's, "I'm all down from the corporate ass kicking" post, my e-mail was all Jammed up™ with things that made me smile, laugh and out right howl for several hours. I can't say thanks enough!

I even got something I could play with a little bit, and since I'm such a big kid, I know how important play can be for the soul. So I played around with it and came up with this :

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

And this :

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

A few of the smiles came from a string of pictures that were sent from several friends, one picture at a time....... one e-mail at a time....... all throughout the day. You guy's crack me up!!

Here's a few samples. ( I don't think you need to see all 80 to 100 of them! )

So this one pretty much sums up the entire day for me.

Thanks kids !!!

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....