Takin' it, one hurdle at a time....

Well... he cleared the first major hurdle on the road to recovery. One of our fears going in to the operation, was focused on the combination of Fred's age, his Diabetes, Heart condition and of course, the problems he's had breathing for the last little while. None of which bode well, for the length of time he'd need to be on the table for the Cancer surgery.

I'm ecstatic to report that Fred not only survived the surgery, but appears to be thrilled that the black Devil has finally been removed from his body as well. Reports late last night indicate, that his spirits are high and he is resting as comfortably in the I.C.U. as is humanly possible, after such an ordeal.

Of course there are several more hurdles to come, as we work him back to wellness. But clearing that first one..... Well I can't begin to explain what a relief it's been to the family. We know that there's lot's of work to do and several long day's and nights ahead of us still for sure. But with the love of family and friends, it's been a process that's brought each of us just a little closer together as we go through it all. As is typical for this family we say.... BRING ON THE NEXT HURDLE. We CAN and WILL do this!

Although Fred really can't grasp the concept of what we all do here in our little Blogosphere, I'll continue to pass on each and every well wish that you all have offered up. What seems to be lacking in comprehension, can always be made up in volume! His wry and yet very sincere smile as I pass on the messages from everyone, truly tells me how much he really appreciates your support. From Peb's and I, we can't possibly thank everyone enough for helping to put that smile on his face. From me personally, I get to see it twice. Once from my Peb's and then from Fred. I'll never be able to tell you properly, what that means to me.

My sincerest thanks for dropping by....